I build all manner of Wildlife and Pet habitats to order.
I am a retired, paraplegic ex business owner, with interests in photography (See photography section) and wildlife. A few years ago, I started building wildlife homes, bee boxes and bird boxes initially, using wood supplied to me by local woodyards etc. Now I build all types of wildlife homes, for Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Lacewings, other insects, Toads, Hedgehogs, Cats & Dogs etc. - I am not in business and only continue this as a hobby, to keep myself active. I charge only for the cost of wood, materials, glues, screws etc. and delivery costs. For this reason, some of my projects are shown here.
I donate to the RSPB for each item sold.
Available by appointment
Free Local Deliveries
10am-7pm any day
(0780 312 9733)

Multi platform bird table, 8ft high - Oak and Beech with curved ply outrunners. Sold: